Thursday, January 5, 2012


Okay... So basically I'm quite annoyed with a few things that other makeup artists had said and commented on other artists... Wad basically really gets me annoyed is that they say that wad they do is wrong. "That makeup artist isnt doing the right thing. He/She isn't doing the right steps." Hey people!!! FYI!!! You're terribly wrong.!!! Seriously please understand that makeup ARTISTRY is an ART!!! And art does not have limitations and it is never wrong... Well seriously wads the problem if I apply just a plain pink eyeshadow on the lids and just liner. Come on there's nothing wrong... Wads wrong if I decided to do someones eye makeup before applying Foundation or powder... Seriously ppl who keeps saying dat certain Artists are bad... Go get a life... As long as my work is appreciated who cares...

LMAO... Welll basically I've heard friends who are artists who keep commenting on others and left bad remarks, saying that they are no good and bad techniques. This really pisses me off...

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